Emin Devrim Fidan
March 2023 - present

Koç University

I currently serve as the Senior Product Owner at Koç University. In this role, I continue to excel in the field of product management. I am responsible for guiding the development and optimization of products, using my extensive experience to drive the organization's success.

June 2020 - present

Child Development Studies

Since June 2020, I've been immersed in the Child Development Studies program, aimed at equipping me with the knowledge and skills to support the comprehensive development of children from ages 0-18, including those with special educational needs.

May 2018 - Feb 2023

Cyprus Science University

For a substantial part of my career, I held the position of Director of International Relations at Cyprus Science University. In this role, I played a vital role in shaping international collaborations and relations. During this period, I had a significant impact on the university's global outreach efforts, contributing to its growth and development.

June 2017 - May 2018

Istanbul Aydin University

In this year-long role, I served as the International Short-Term Study Programs Coordinator. Here, my skills in Relationship Building, Business Development, and Digital Marketing were instrumental. I was responsible for developing and promoting short-term study programs, connecting with international partners, and leveraging digital marketing to reach a wider audience.

January 2016 - December 2016

Istanbul Aydin University

While at Istanbul Aydin University, I also took on the role of Coordinator of International Student & Staff Affairs during the year 2016. In this capacity, I honed my skills in Teamwork, Event Planning, Problem Solving, Event Management, and Data Analysis. I worked on a wide range of responsibilities, including organizing events, managing international student and staff affairs, and solving various challenges that arose in the context of international programs.

March 2015 - July 2017

Istanbul Aydin University

I specialized in student recruitment, spearheading international education fairs, conducting comprehensive new market research, and driving business development.